How Tornadoes Are Formed

Tornadoes are smaller than Hurricanes. They form out of parent thunderstorms where powerfull twisting winds are made.

Types Of Tornadoes

There are many types of Tornadoes, Like, he Dust Devil. A Dust Devil is a tiny Tornado that is usually found near sandy places. They only last for a few minutes, but they do some damage! Another Tornado is a Waterspout. A Waterspout is a tornado that is created by water. They Last for a few hours, too. They are usually found near warm water, and are bigger than Dust Devil.

Effects On People And Land

When Tornadoes hit land, they can get very dangerous. They suck up houses and can suck people away. Tornadoes can cause millions of dollars worth of damage, and can even rip concrete out of the ground.